Monday, January 16, 2012

Results o' Juicing

The Juice Fast was rough, but with some minor changes, we made it through. We added whole nuts, fruits and vegetables throughout the fast. It was necessary to avoid passing out and to ensure my brain would function better than a senior citizen with Alzheimers.

We used lots o' fruit

We drank things that looked like this

And this

When we were sick of cold juice, we made warm juice
(also known as boring soup without goodies.)

I would suggest a more mini-fast to those of you interested in juicing. One or two days max. The bonus micro-nutrients gave me tons of energy and it was good to let my body reboot. Generally, just add more juice to your regular diet. It must be juice from a juicer, though. Donald Duck orange juice doesn't count.

In sum, I felt pretty damn good post-fast. But not as good as when the first bite o' cheese entered my mouth. Mmmmmmmmmmmm cheese.

1 comment:

  1. A juice cleanse like this sounds intense... but I love that you thought to make soups out of the juices! I'm sure that helped a lot!

    Also, I love how much of a blog streak we are on!! haha!
