Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California... What the hell?

There are quite a few things I would like to say to a variety of people, but because I am a sissy I will probably avoid saying most of it. I am sure some of it needs to be said, but most of it is just drama causing nonsense that I can't seem to purge from my brain. And if it doesn't fall in the previous two categories, I know that it is categorzed under "minor-temporary beliefs" that will go away within a week or two anyway.

I will say the following:

California is pissing me off. I can't believe such a liberal minded state keeps taking steps back when it comes to homosexual rights. Thank god that they aren't being inconsiderate enough to revoke the 18,000 marriages that we made before the Supreme Court ruling.

(Read the story here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/27/us/27marriage.html)

I have never held so much anger towards one organization. I would rather join the NRA and keep a sawed-off shotgun in my truck then support a group such as the "Protect Marriage" people.

(Vomit on this webpage: http://protectmarriage.com/)

They have this obnoxiously biased, rude, and inconceivably close-minded story on their site discussing the threat of "Gay-marriages in Public Schools." I am sure that screaming obscenities at my laptop did not help the situation, but I can't believe that people like this are allowed to live in America let alone breed other douche-bag waste of space children to carry their legacy of intolerance.

And on this subject, I can say one of the many things that I am sure will start an argument. There are a few people that posted comments on Nate's note on Facebook (Read it: I'm Nate, I'm Gay, and I'm Proud) that are hypocritical selfish and frankly I just want to punch them in the face. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT say you are supportive of someone and their lifestyle if you would vote against them in a heartbeat when it comes to their ability to love, marry, and create a family with the one they care for.

I don't care if you spend 20 hours out of the day talking to your beloved Jesus but keep him, and any other religious shenannigans out of court rulings and cases that have the ability to hinder another individuals quality of life. This isn't just for Christianity either. For ANY religious laws and doctrine that others may not follow or believe.

How would you feel if we adopted Jainism's rules and regulations which required the United States to be Vegan? I am sure you would raise hell if that happened. Or what if we adopted the Mormon's and the Muslim's policy on no alocholic beverages. Tell that to Billy Bob Joe sitting on his porch drinking a case of Bud light screaming about how the "Homo's" are ruining what America stands for.

If you don't believe in gay marriage don't get one. Grow up. Gain some tolereance. Or shut the fuck up.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say the last little paragraph is my favorite. Well said in the perfect Dea sort of way!

    The responses to Nate's note are a fairly common response of people who are no longer able to justify their beliefs but hold onto them for fear of change. "We disapprove, but we love you!"

    We on the outside can see the hypocrisy in the religious belief thrown about in these comments, and in this debate as a whole, but they cannot or will not realize it for themselves.

    Just like any fight for equality (which historically always ends up with the oppressed winning, you'd think they'd realize this by now) we simply have to wait for the older assholes to die out so that the younger assholes are outnumbered by the younger free thinkers.

    In the meantime however, us abominations are thrilled to have perfect beings such as yourself there to support our "lifestyle choice" :-P
