Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Racist Black-a-Jew

Yup - that's me. A Racist Black-a-Jew

(WARNING: The content following this disclaimer may be considered offensive.)

I hate Persians.

Ok, let me rephrase this, I "strongly dislike" Persians who are affiliated in any way to Pars Cuisine (working, managing, dining in etc.)


1) They are needy needy people. They have you running around the restaurant getting butt loads of butter, bread, raw onions and sumac for their eating pleasure with out saying "please" or "thank you."

2) They drink doogh. Doogh is this nasty ass yogurt drink that smells like an aquarium with rotten milk. It's yogurt, pepper, salt, random spices and occasionaly mint. It's salty and milky and the most UN-refreshing thing you could possibly consume.

3) Pars gives them "special treatment". If you are Persian you get free bread, extra rice, and your sides for free. Not to mention all the raw onion sprinkled with parsley they can handle. I dont remember going to an Italian restaurant where the Italians get extra pasta and free shit. I am pretty sure all the Hispanics and Mexicans that go to the New Mexican restaurants don't get bonus sopapillas and spanish rice for free. Annoying.

4) They can't just order from the god damn menu. They just tell you what they want and then you have to go in to the computer and create what meal they ordered. Various extras and sides and blah blah blah. I assume they are trying to make authentic Persian meals... but seriously.

5) Finnally. The thing that pisses me off the most. THEY ARE THE SHITTIEST TIPPERS EVER. I thought that the Native American population had the gold medal in Under Tipping, but the Persian folks have them beat. No matter how high the bill is, they won't tip more than 10 dollars. Last night I had a 6-top that racked up a tab higher thant $120 bucks. I got a wopping 9 dollars. NINE DOLLARS. I got six verbal thank you's, one guy hitting on me, and nine fucking dollars.
Two days ago I had a 3-top that even told the owner that I was a great server. And they left me 5 dollars on 74 dollar tab.

That is why I can't stand Persians. This is the most frustrating restaurant job that I have ever had. Ugh....

1 comment:

  1. I totally tried to comment earlier... and my Mozilla was less than awesome... and now I can't remember the witty response I had thought of... but none the less, kill some hoes!
