Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On Greek Row!

Final dress rehearsal for Greek Row Tragedy is in T-minus one week. We open a week from THURSDAY!

It is slightly unsettling because for all of the dance that is in this show, we haven't tried dancing any of it in costume. We are going to have vaginas, titties, and muffin tops everywhere. Not to mention we still haven't tried dancing in the shoes.

I guess they haven't come in yet.

Certain members of the cast are frustrating the bejesus out of me. Whiny, complain-y, annoying brats. Suck it up folks. We are all tired, we all don't feel good, we are all hungry and lazy and ready to go home. But we aren't going home.... so shut your pie holes.

I am pretty excited for the rehearsal process to end and the show to begin.

I am also excited about:
1) Job hunting
2) Ditching work for lunch tomorrow
3) 2pm today (Cus then I will be off work!)

Have a sexcellent day!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to seeing you in the show!!!
    I don't think I have seen you in a show before....
    Yea!!! Dea in the spot light!!!!!
