Friday, February 6, 2009

Bad Week to Exciting Weekend!


What a craptastic week. I will give myself a paragraph to complain and then no mas.
Work sucked dick. The office manager continues to be frustrated with me and the legal assistants, expecting a miracle to happen and for us to be able to do 6 peoples work in the same amount of time when there is only 3. Also rehearsal is quite draining and I am completely exhausted this week. In order to make it though all this busy month ahead I need to remember to relax, get sleep, eat healthy and exercise. :)

Brightside of life, I have lost 3 lbs, not that much, but it is something. My lovely boyfriend is quite supportive. He is making me lots of healthy meals even though I would rather eat fatty fat stuff. And props to Leo for dragging my ass to the gym. I need to go in the morning more often because then I can't avoid it and I am not completely out of energy.

I am looking for a super-part time weekend job. Like lunches on Saturday and Sunday at some brunch spot. I am not having much luck because most places want you to be available during the week too.

YAY for weekend! I want to go on a bike ride this weekend, hopefully it will be warm-ish.


  1. 3 pounds! That's good Dea! Thanks for having us over and dancing for us! Love ya!

  2. 3 lbs is awesome!!!
    be proud of yourself girl!!!
    yo make me happy!!
    Love you
