Thursday, January 15, 2009

To make this blog official...

In order to make this blog official, it requires a complain-y, whiny, bitch-fest.

Today already sucks.

I don't know if it is because I popped up on the wrong side of the bed or I just unconsciously decided to have a bad day. First and foremost, I absolutely don't feel like being at work. This job is inconceivably boring and all though I have a huge office all to my self it is lonely back here. I miss being closer to all the legal assistants and talking shit while working. It's like every hour of the day drags on and I find my self staring at the clock waiting for another minute to pass.
It might be better if the "Queen B" jumped off the side of the building and I didn't have to deal with her passive, evil intentions all the time.

Also I haven't had the whole TeamAwesome group together since gift exchange... which is practically a lifetime in Dea world. Maybe that's contributing to my shart-tastic mood.

Another thing - I can't seem to get over not being in the musical. Every time the crew goes off to rehearsal I spend 80% of that time wishing I was there and trying to figure out what I did that prevented me from making the cast. Is it because at the last possible second of the audition I responded "Sure" when asked if I was auditioning for Greek Row? Is it because my voice sucks ass? Is it because it takes me a extra week longer than most people to get my harmony part down? Maybe if I knew I could stop complaining about it.

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING ABOUT LAW SCHOOL. I have turned in to an indecisive, bitchtastic wench with no opinion.

Things that I know:
1) I want to go to law school

Things I don't know:
1) Where to go to law school
2) Where to APPLY for law school
3) If I want to start next fall or wait a year
4) If I want to move out of state
5) When I will finish my Personal Statement

Kind of imbalanced there on the things I know compared to the things I don't know.

I really want to fast foreward to next year... then all this shit will be decided and I wont have to conciously think about it.

Anyone know if this is possible?

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