Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gym Me

So Leonard has used his persuasive talents to drag my lazy ass to the gym every morning between 6:30 and 7:00 am.

Granted dragging my carcass from the warm sheets isn't the most pleasant thing to do at 5:00 in the morning but the effects are quite worth it. I am sure it will be even more beneficial if I can find a way to get myself to bed before midnight.

I am hoping that I can stick to this routine through out the semester and hopefully achieve some of my physical and mental goals. I know that when rehearsals get in to full swing for Greek Row it will prove to be very difficult.

For instance my Wednesday schedule:

6:15-7:30 Gym
8:00-5:00 Work
7:00-10:00ish Rehearsal
10:30ish Home, Hungry, Heedful

Rinse... and repeat.

Immediate Goals of the Week : Get Leonard hired, Stay under 1700 calories per day, listen to a new musical, host a (long overdue) Team Awesome night, Get the job teaching dance, finish personal statement TONIGHT.

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