Friday, January 30, 2009


I am in a horrible mood.

Today sucks.

I could explain in a long-winded run on sentence of a post.

But instead, I am choosing to let it annoy me all day long.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



1. What is your name: Shandea/ Dea

2. A 4 Letter Word: Shoe / Dong

3. A Boys Name: Sean / Dennis

4. A Girls Name: Skank / Debra

5. An Occupation: Sex Therapist / Door Man

6. A Color: Salmon / Drab

7. Something you wear: Slip / Derby Hat

8. A Beverage: Slippery Nipple/ Diet Coke

9. A Food: Splenda (sorta) / Daikon

10. Something found in the bathroom: Shampoo / Drain

11. A place: Seoul / Dakar

12. A Reason for being late: Sucking Dick (Wooo hoo the "S" and the "D")

13. Something you shout: Sweet! / Douche!

I decided that during my lunch pause (hardly a break) I would screw around on the internet. The Queen Bitch left already so whats the point of trying to accomplish the list of death I was given. I will start hacking away at it after lunch. Joy.

I am currently addicted to Mika. "Sucking to hard on your lollipop ah love's gonna get you down"
He is great. I am hoping that they have him for karaoke.

I just realized how boring I am in blogs. If anyone read this that didn't know me, they would think that I am a boring 17 year old wacko that talks about dicks and dongs a lot.

I want shrimp... shrimp scampi sounds REALLY good.... oooooh LeeeeeeEEEOooooo. Get cookin boy!
I ate a whole bag of veggies and I think I might be more hungry than before I ate them. BUT I must loose wait for the tiny outfits we are expected to wear for Greek row.

I think i found pictures of something similar. Except imagine then in either bright green, pink or blue.



End. Thats it... thats all the clothing.

Naked naked naked nuddy porno porn

Monday, January 26, 2009

En Francais

I changed my blog to French. I don't know if it is going to change everything to french though.

Ok I want to tell you about the crazy ass dream I had:

Me, Leonard and Ryan were in a three way relationship (random, I know) and we were in Musical Theater class when Nate started talking shit about our relationship. He said that "Leonard should know better" and that "the whole thing was disgusting" and Leonard got pissed off, started screaming at Nate and then punched him in the stomach.

Nate then started crying and asking "What happened to our friendship?" and saying "You ruined everything" and then began barfing all over the floor. I took Nate to the bathroom but he was mad at me too and wanted to barf by himself. Nate had a Puerto Rican gang member boyfriend that was there and he was speaking in Spanish, then punched a wall, then stormed out.

Then the day fast forwarded to us three at our house. We had just finished dinner (hummus and some other weird shit) and gotten in bed for a group cuddle. Then Nate's boyfriend comes storming in, screaming at us to get up in Spanish, then he drags Leonard outside. There were a bunch of gang members who wouldn't let me or Ryan outside. The windows and doors were barred up and they were standing out side with Uzis.

Then Nate's gang, balla, boyfriend raped Leo on the sidewalk in front of our house. We couldn't get out side to save him. Then the house decided it had a jet pack and flew away with Ryan and I locked in. Then we were just floating in space and then I woke up.

All in all.... it was really fucking weird.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gym Me

So Leonard has used his persuasive talents to drag my lazy ass to the gym every morning between 6:30 and 7:00 am.

Granted dragging my carcass from the warm sheets isn't the most pleasant thing to do at 5:00 in the morning but the effects are quite worth it. I am sure it will be even more beneficial if I can find a way to get myself to bed before midnight.

I am hoping that I can stick to this routine through out the semester and hopefully achieve some of my physical and mental goals. I know that when rehearsals get in to full swing for Greek Row it will prove to be very difficult.

For instance my Wednesday schedule:

6:15-7:30 Gym
8:00-5:00 Work
7:00-10:00ish Rehearsal
10:30ish Home, Hungry, Heedful

Rinse... and repeat.

Immediate Goals of the Week : Get Leonard hired, Stay under 1700 calories per day, listen to a new musical, host a (long overdue) Team Awesome night, Get the job teaching dance, finish personal statement TONIGHT.

Friday, January 16, 2009


On a scale of 1 to 10 gauging my excitement that it is Friday, I think I am sitting at a 23.


It is finally Friday. This was the longest week in history. I actually think there were some bonus hours thrown in just to ensure that this week dragged on.

Also - I am in a great mood because I think I made some decisions.

If I can make my personal statement pretty enough to send it, I think I am going to apply to law school this year. SO now I need to focus on that nonsense and scraping up application money.

I am also excited about Leo and I being gym buddies. Unfortunately he decided on the ass crack of dawn for work out time, but hopefully that will make me actually GO and not procrastinate about it all day. He seems to really like this gym called The Sports Club so I am going to give it a try.

Karaoke last night - I learned that Chris and Celina officially make me nervous as hell. Leo and I sang "Suddenly Seymour", (really smart plan since we both didn't know the song) and Celina had to help me throughout most of the song. They are both just too damn good. If they sucked at something maybe I wouldn't be so nervous.

I am stoked beyond stoked about Saturday night too. I feel like I am turning 21 all over again. We are going downtown! YAY! I haven't been there since my birthday in June and I think I am due for some Anodyne drinks and a bit of booty shaking.

I have optimistic pants on. And they feel nice. I need to remember how comfy they are when I start complaining and whining.

So I am off to do some real work, Giving blood at 3 ish and dinner with Lauren at 5:45.

Yay for Friday!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

To make this blog official...

In order to make this blog official, it requires a complain-y, whiny, bitch-fest.

Today already sucks.

I don't know if it is because I popped up on the wrong side of the bed or I just unconsciously decided to have a bad day. First and foremost, I absolutely don't feel like being at work. This job is inconceivably boring and all though I have a huge office all to my self it is lonely back here. I miss being closer to all the legal assistants and talking shit while working. It's like every hour of the day drags on and I find my self staring at the clock waiting for another minute to pass.
It might be better if the "Queen B" jumped off the side of the building and I didn't have to deal with her passive, evil intentions all the time.

Also I haven't had the whole TeamAwesome group together since gift exchange... which is practically a lifetime in Dea world. Maybe that's contributing to my shart-tastic mood.

Another thing - I can't seem to get over not being in the musical. Every time the crew goes off to rehearsal I spend 80% of that time wishing I was there and trying to figure out what I did that prevented me from making the cast. Is it because at the last possible second of the audition I responded "Sure" when asked if I was auditioning for Greek Row? Is it because my voice sucks ass? Is it because it takes me a extra week longer than most people to get my harmony part down? Maybe if I knew I could stop complaining about it.

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING ABOUT LAW SCHOOL. I have turned in to an indecisive, bitchtastic wench with no opinion.

Things that I know:
1) I want to go to law school

Things I don't know:
1) Where to go to law school
2) Where to APPLY for law school
3) If I want to start next fall or wait a year
4) If I want to move out of state
5) When I will finish my Personal Statement

Kind of imbalanced there on the things I know compared to the things I don't know.

I really want to fast foreward to next year... then all this shit will be decided and I wont have to conciously think about it.

Anyone know if this is possible?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So it begins...

Look what I have!

I have a big kid blog. I was going to go back to the livejournal/deadjournal type things but then Elyse showed me this fancy thing called blogger. I guess its what grown-ups use to complain about their daily life.

So welcome to my life.

I am unfortunately at evil work land of Satan right now so I can't be productive in posting. BUT I plan on doing this more often.