Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finals... Brain... Squish

I have one more final (9 hour final), but here is a short list of stupid stupid STUPID things I've done during the last two weeks. Laugh at me. It will make you feel good.

First, I had five finals.




Juvenile Justice:

International Legal Order:

Top Five Final's Brain Failure Results:

1. Logic Goes Bye-bye - Walked up to my friends car (she was picking me up) and spent two minutes trying to open the passenger door with my keys. I don't know what is worse. The fact the the door was unlocked? The fact that it wasn't my car? or the fact that she didn't try and stop me? Also, I went to the post office to mail a package and accidentally tried to walk away with out paying.
The lady screams "can you please pay me?".
I said "Uh... yeah. Woops. I forgot."
She said, "You forgot to pay?"

2. Creative meals - One breakfast I had was left over KFC chicken(don't judge), Cheese Its, Honey Noosa Greek Yogurt, and OJ. One lunch consisted of a package of seaweed snacks from whole foods and a piece of tiramisu. Yesterday I had slices of romaine lettuce dipped in olive oil and vinegar. When I realized that was not filling (surprise) I had some honey. No that's it.... I just ate honey.

3. Outfits - I have Colorado law sweat pants and a Colorado law sweatshirt. They are the exact same color - medium gray. I guess wearing them together in true jumpsuit fashion is not encouraged. As discussed in a previous post, I ripped my jeans (and didn't really care.) Two days ago, I some how forgot underwear. Entirely. Just forgot.

4. Everything is funny - The stupidest crap on the internet will have me in tears. Granted the regular hilarious sites like The Oatmeal and Hyperbole and a Half, are excellent for study breaks, but I found this funny: Stupid Crap. Seriously?

5. Emotional Instability: Cry, laugh, scream, drink, repeat. I cried during The Sing Off. I guess I was emotionally moved. I eat everything one day, then nothing the next, but always find room to have a glass of wine. I yelled at my computer for taking too long to load my email (not any longer than usual.) I yelled at the boyfriend for dancing weird. I yelled at the best friend for listening to a song on the radio that I thought sucked. Then yelled at him some more for not liking what I wanted to listen to.

Lastly, my foot is asleep. And that makes me angry. I will go eat more Cheese-its and imagine myself consuming all the alcohol distributed to the Boulder area in T-minus 27 hours.

Its the Final Countdown!

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