Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Eyeballs

The unfathomable amounts of reading is turning my sub-par vision in to non-existent, old woman, nearly blind vision. I can't figure out what is the main cause of this... but I have narrowed it down:

1. Straight-up regular book reading:
As I finished the 20th page of Constitutional Law reading for tomorrow, I honestly thought that my eyeballs were going to up and leave my skull. The words were doing Riverdance all of the page and I had to SERIOUSLY concentrate on finishing the last 3 pages. I am considering getting some reading glasses, even though I never had a problem with far-sightedness.

2. Computer Screen Eye Melt-a-thon:
After typing the beast of a memo due last Monday, I had to take a break from all things "screen" related for 24 hours. I thought that pre-grad school, I had my eyes glued to some sort of screen for a large portion of the day. Facebook, Email, Stumble, Stumble, Stumble, My Sweet Sixteen, Woot, Paper, Stumble. I think I managed to add an extra 4 hours to every day just for screen staring. I have become a professional... and it is making my eyeballs go poopy.

3. I hate carrots:
I have no idea if carrots actually improve eyesight but I freaking hate them. Bring on the blindness.

4. Booooooooooze:
Is it possible that the amount of booze consumed increases that the effectiveness of vision decreases? I know it has that temporary effect. Oh the joys of writing a text at 3am with one eye closed and the other eye in "squint-mode" hoping that whatever keys you jam on the phone will create a coherent sentence. I am worried that the possibility of "drunken-blindness" could be permanent one day. Oh no.

Either way, my eyes are crapping out. My graduation gift to myself will be Lasik. Oooooooooo yeah.

(P.S. Why must I list everything? Am I a list-a-holic?)

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