Sunday, January 31, 2010

Drunken Man-Off

I am sitting in my living room at 11:30pm on a Sunday night and what do I hear?

T.V. show of something trashy yet appealing? Nope.

Pandora playing a medley of calming tunes? Nope.

Drunk #One and Wasted #Two playing competitive Wii Frisbee golf in between chugging beers?

Ryan and his man partner are back as one. After 4 days straight of climb/snowboard/sports, drunk, rally, drunker, Wii, wasted, sleep (repeat) you'd thing that they would be ready for a nice relaxing evening. Nopes. Noper. No.

Although I would enjoy a nice refreshing sleep before starting another deathly week of law school, it is great seeing Ryan with his man-mate again. Since Wednesday, they have been inseparable. Every minute has been a competition of manly-ness and Ryan is in dude heaven.

*craaaaaaaaaaaaaaash.... Chris managed to accidentally punch over the Beer-a-mid for the second time this evening playing Wii basketball*

Our climbing excursions have been awesome. I climbed some things I never thought I could, but I still have a Bouldering fear. I would rather been on a rope 40+ft in the air than be rope-less 10 ft. in the air.

*Ryan just laid on one of my HUGE law school books. I asked if he wanted me to move it. He said " Uhhhh I'm gone... so it feelz naaaiiiice." *

Overall, it has been a great weekend. Granted I got a minimal amount of HW done, but 2 applications are being sent off to Lala land and I had a fantastic weekend of climbing, dancing and fun.

*Chris is still playing Wii basketball... I don't think I have ever heard that many "Fucks" in my life time. I guess his drunkenness is interfering with his game.*

On the docket for this week: Legally Blonde the Musical, Gourmet walking tour in Denver with Darren, and Volunteer work for the Boulder Domestic Violence Shelter.

*Ryan's passed out. He stumbled to bed on his mostly broken ankle and literally fell asleep before he hit the bed*

Awesome times Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. That is excellent!!!

    I'm really sad that I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. We need to be making Ryan have nights like you had here.
