Saturday, January 2, 2010

Boulder Children + Blacks = Confused

I have come to the conclusion that any child under the age of 10 in Boulder has never seen an "afro" before. Furthermore, it is a high possibility that these children have never seen a black person before either. And I am only half... I have no idea what they would do if they saw a Nigerian.

Story #1: I was hung over. It was the day after the grand finals celebration and I felt like death with a side of vom. We had just eaten at Foolish Craig's and and I was slowly shuffling out of the restaurant praying that what ever was about to exit my body didn't happen in the restaurant. I slipped on my sunglasses and stepped out the door when this little, blonde boy, no older than 5, stops his dad in a child whisper (also known as yelling with more breath) "Look daddy, she has big hairs... wooooooooooah!" I smiled at the kid and walked another 6 steps before I unloaded Eggs Benedict on the curb.

Story #2: I was rushing through target because I was already late for some event (common occurrence). The mom behind me in the check out line was holding a tiny girl (2 or 3 years old) in her arms while she studied the different kinds of gum. I smiled at the little girl and she gave me a "look" (similar to what a person would give a robber breaking in to their house.) I didn't feel it was necessary to make the child cry so I turned around. I started setting random items on the little conveyor belt when all of a sudden I feel a chunk of my fro being removed from my head. Apparently it looked like a stuffed animal that needed its innards pulled out because the child pulled freaking hard. The mom freaked out and apologized. I laughed it off, even though the back of my head was throbbing.

Story #3: The bus. This was an early morning on the way to school and I was frantically reading a case for Contracts (because I am always so prepared). This little girl (5 ish) was staring at me in the seat next to us. She "child whispered" to her mom "Are some people born with weird hair mom?" The mom stated "All black people have weird hair. Ours is straight, and theirs is poofy. I tried to get mine done like that in college but I looked like a cocker spaniel".

Story #4: Today. I was in Old Navy at the FlatIron mall looking for a pair of jeans. This little girl, around 7, was just staring at me. Blank faced. Confused. Lost. I looked at jeans for at least 10 mins and she just stood their staring. I looked at her and smiled and she still didn't move. Eventually her mom started walking away and she followed slowly and said "wooooah". I think my fro actually mind-fucked that little girl. Its like I had a magic trick on my head.

I am sure there are plenty more stories, but I thought I would share a few. Story of my life in Boulder. They really need to get some more Ethnic action up here.


  1. That is amazing!!!

    You should let it get bigger and really start freaking children out! Sneak things in there when you find a who's looking at you so you can pull it out like magic!!!

  2. you know your hair mind fucked me a lot when we first meet. it's a common occurrence.

  3. I agree with Leonard. Then you should put a comb in it and start carrying around a boom box. Who needs more ethnic flavor when Dea takes care of it for all?

  4. ... and judging by the previous comments they grow up remaining arrogant and stupid about real culture and the significance of the black voice...poor little white kids... dumb as ever! oh but don't tell them... they think they know everything!!!
