Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It wouldn't be a blog if there wasn't a lame "New Years Resolutions" blog post. I am sure 90% of the things on this list will be things that are on 80% of America's list, but I guess they are popular subjects.

1) Turn my shape from this:

To this:

2) More avoidance of this:

3) This at least 3 times a week:

4) This 60+ hours a week (Studying):

5)Saying I am, and being, thankful for this:

AND Making more time for this:

6) Remembering to do this to avoid over-stress:

I think that about sums it up:)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blessed be to Holidays

I woke up this morning and the first thing that popped in to my head was "So... Ill start studying in an hour and then hopefully I can... uh wait I AM DONE." I literally laughed out loud and kicked my legs like a giddy school girl. I am done diggity done done done with my first semester of law school.

So, here are the official Yays and Nays of my first semester of law school:

1) Gaining approximately 1 million pounds.
2) Civil Procedure. All of it.
3) No job which equals no money.
4) Sleep deprivation.
5) Alcoholism.

1) The AMAZING group of friends I found up here. God bless 'em.
2) Dexter Study Sessions.
3) Feeling mentally stimulated. School = hard.
4) Rock climbing.
5) Alcoholism.

I am excited for holiday celebrations and a general break for school. My brain, eyes and body need a rest from all the stress. AND Monday, it is back to Burque! Facebook chat is being "special" so here are a couple pics from the last few days of celebration.

Secret Santa Gift Exchange! Complete with wine, cheese, gifts, and stockings :)

My love Darren got me a wine and restaurant tour with him for X-mas. A+ Gift choice.

The best law school crew money can buy. And I got them all for free. Love my life.

Our "Believe" Santa shirts. We wore them for every single final. :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Down-Hill Slope

Yippeeeee Skippy!
3 finals done, 2 more to go.

I will have my face in a lovely Civil Procedure book for the the next 48 hours straight. Civil Procedure, as you all may know, is officially my LEAST favorite subject thus far. All the hoopla over where you can sue someone, when, and boring boring lame dumb. Granted it is only 2 credits, SO I guess I picked a good class to hate and completely fuck up.

Also - for those of you who care, I will be starting another blog as a co-operative effort with a couple other law students discussing the adventures of bus system (RTD) here in Colorado. Oh you may think this will be boring... but I you would not BELIEVE the things that happen while riding a bus.

Til' then back to Civil Procedure.

Stupid big fat red casebooks....

Monday, December 7, 2009


In less than 24 hours I will be taking a 4 hour Contracts exam.

This is going to be an issue spotting shit show.

I am trying to figure out how I should spend this final day before the pain and suffering of Finals is is full blow. This morning I woke up at 7am to make sure I am tired early tonight, so I can go to bed early and be ready for a 8am exam.

So what do I focus on?

Practice Problems?
Review Notes?
Adding Bonus stuff to my outline?
Crying and or Drinking?

I think I will get some tea and try to focus..... and just breathe.

**Me and my lovely contracts book. We are obviously besties**