Sunday, March 25, 2012

Twentieth Spring Break

I MOSTLY WIN! I win the Twentieth Spring Break Celebration List o' Fun! I fudged a couple tiny things, and only failed one entirely. I'll take 9 out of 10. Read on for pictures & explanations. Updates are in red.

Goodbye spring break. You will be missed. (Errrr... until I quit being a lawyer for a job teaching High School Drama.)

I just realized that this is my last spring break ever. I've enjoyed twenty years of my life with a spring break. I finally figured out a way to say goodbye to this mid-March treat. Like a responsible graduate student, I've made a list of ten things I plan to accomplish:

I only have... *cue The Ring voiceover*... seven days.

Twentieth Spring Break Celebration To-Do List

1. Read a Book
No law bullshit and no learning.
Mockingjay = Done.

Now that I finished The Hunger Games series, I need a new teen saga to get addicted to.... suggestions?

2. Stay Up All Night
The last time I did this was 1L year for my %$&*ing legal writing brief. This time, FUN ONLY.

I stayed up until 5:00 ish. It was close enough. I passed out full of Cosmo's and vodka.

3. Drunk Brunch
Drunk before noon + full of eggy goodness = Winning
Potentially still drunk from the night before, mimosas were the only option... and this photo shoot:

4. Watch Live Theatre
Dance Gotta get my theater fix. Obvi.
The Drowsy Chaperone!

5. Swim
It doesn't need to be a pool. Any fountain counts.
FAIL.... unless my liver swimming in vodka counts.

6. Hit the Gym/Exercise *shudders* Everyday
Shut up. I don't wanna do it... but my ass will thank me later.
Some hard gym trips.... some yoga on my living room carpet... but I did something every day!

My favorite inadvertent exercising was a four-mile walk back to our house to get Ryan's spare tire... stay tuned for the whole story in a later blog post.

7. Buy Something I Don't Need
Or two things.... or thirty things.

Wine Diapers! Special bags with Huggie-certified lining. Now when I smuggle Trader Joe's booze back in the Colorado, my whole suitcase doesn't end up soaked in 'Two Buck Chuck'. (Yes this happened...)

8. Watch A Good Movie That I've Been Avoiding Just Because It Looks Too Sad
The Green Mile. Marley & Me. Stepmom. Fried Green Tomatoes. Presumed Guilty. Sophie's Choice... the list goes on.
I watched this movie....

and it made me do this...

**Pretty crying face.**

9. Dance Like a Drunkin' Undergrad
I'll see YOU on the dance floor.
'Round Midnight Dance Break... I look more Asian than the Asian.

10. Get Something Awesome for Free
Not sure how... not sure what. I will acquire something of value for free. My the odds be ever in my favor.

Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson! (It's a Musical.... obvi) I found an iTunes gift card in a desk drawer. WIN!

"I'm Andrew Fucking Jackson!!!! And my life sucks in particular"

--------------Stay tuned for my progress. I will be crossing stuff off the list (and adding obligatory photos) as I go.

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