Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sleeplessness Resulting in Cat Snacks

I have a kitty. She is a hand-me-down cat from the boyfriend's sister, which went to his dad, and now to us.

Yesterday morning I got up at the ass-crack of dawn. According to my alarm, I had another 7 minutes to sleep, but the kitty used her magic premonition skills to wake me up early. She was sitting on my chest/neck/face purring at a decibel level similar to an Amtrak train. In the pitch black darkness of morning, I stumbled out of bed to feed the hungry kitty. She trotted next to me meowing and and purring all the way to the kitchen.

I grabbed the kitty food and filled her bowl. Then grabbed some of her Whisker Lickin's Crunch Lovers treats to toss in there also. Why I was giving her treats for pawing my eye balls and screaming in my ear at 6:10 in the morning, who knows. Then I popped one of the Crunch Lovers kitty treats in my mouth.


WHAT. Three crunches in I realized that I was eating cat food. What part of my morning brain thought that I wanted to eat one of those.

My stream of sleepy conciousness doddled off with, "Oh great gads it is early. Now that I put some of these delicious kitty snacks in the bowl for the cat, whom they are obviously intended for, I better pop one of these bad boys in my mouth. What ever lovely human breakfast I should eat could never compare to this little flavor blast of love.... *crunch crunch crunch* OH GOD NO WHY."

It was too late to spit it out so I just swallowed it. Crunchy, bland, kitty snacks slightly resembling the flavors of chicken broth, chalk and dirt.

Good morning world. It was destined to be a good day.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahah!!!! oh my god this is my favorite! i always kind of wondered how horrible those tasted... this is kind of like the finals morning last year when I wore my giant fluffy blue slippers to the school because I was so out of it. Apparently I though that would be a good idea. Not as bad as eating a cat treat though ;)
