Sunday, November 8, 2009

Recent Events:

Law School BLOOOOOOOOOOOOWS. I am so sick of homework.

Thank he baby Jesus that midterms are over. I nearly had a heart attack.

SO recent life events:
1) Some fuck took my camera. That means I will no longer be the photographer for random outings and events and my Facebook photo albums will go unloved until it can be replaced. I might just charge it on a credit card to buy a new one because I really miss being able to document life. I keep hoping it will turn up... but it is looking less and less likely that I will find it.

2) Halloween was fantastic. We had the most outrageous costumes. I was Miss Cleo, from those old psychic reading infomercials in the middle of the night. Friends were (from left to right) Strawberry Shortcake, Me, Lumberjack, Fall, Ryan was a miniature knight,Count Chocula, Dinosaur, and Mummy. For Christmas we are all going to dress up and have a slutty nativity scene party. That should be fan-freaking-tastic.

3) I WENT TO SEE WICKED. It was so fabulous. I loved every minute of it. I can't wait until Spring Awakening in December. The ticket prices are a bit painful, but it's worth it.

4) I go back to Albuquerque in 12 days. I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED.

5) New addition to my life is a love for rock climbing. Ryan and I are joining a rock climbing gym and I am so excited. I never thought it would be this much fun. I went Bouldering for the first time which is scary as balls. It is like rock climbing, except you don't use ropes and you don't go as high. The no rope thing freaks me out, and people just jump off once they get to the top. These people are not human and have been bred with monkey/alien powers.

Also, if you haven't noticed I changed the blog name. I figured the other one could be considered offensive to some and I wanted to avoid that... so i picked something slightly less offensive: Legally Black, as in Legally Blonde with more negro-ness added to the pot.

Life is going better than 2 weeks ago, except for the fact that bad things keep happening to me. I just feel better about life and less like I am seconds away from a mental/emotional/life breakdown. I am trying to remember to take each day as it comes and to stop thinking about the burden in its entirety.

Law students/Lawyers have the highest rankings in statistics for suicide, alcoholism and general substance abuse. After the last month it all makes sense now. This shit is hard.

But, as the Beatles sang, "I'll get by with a little help from my friends."



  1. First of all... I fucking LOVE your costume! Much better than Darren's lesbian costume!
    Next, I think everyone needs to be seeing Wicked, I'm forcing my parents to see it in December. They love it, they just don't know it.

    Next... Let's hunt down the mucka-blucka that stole your camera! On top of that we'll hunt down the person in my blog.

    DEA!!!! REEEEEEENT SOOOO SOOOOOOON!!!! I miss you! Our lives are getting too busy and it blows, but after RENT my life should open up and I'll make some trips to see you.

    And last... jesus this is the longest comment in the world, don't write about so many different topics!!!
    okay last!: I really like your new name! Now both of our blog titles are Musical references!

    Love you, see you in a few days! :-D

  2. Freak outs come with Grad school. That's what I have decided because I have them all the time! I'm sad you're camera is MIA....and I freaking love your costume!! Can't wait to see you Dea, I wish we would have picked schools in the same state.
