Sunday, October 4, 2009

Joys of Law School

So I have officially been a Law Student for over a month. There are a lot of things that take a while to get used to but I am starting to feel comfortable in some areas.

I have found an excellent group of friends up yonder who are as quirky, inappropriate and outgoing as I am. We have already created a variety of mischievous activities (locker climbing, parkour, inappropriate dance-a-thons) and it is making the heavy load of law school much more tolerable.

Also, unexpectedly, I have grown quite fond of Contract law. Who knew? It might be that the professor is making a seemingly dull subject extraordinarily amusing, but I think that it is genuinely appealing as a possible future job. I still think that I will try my had at something with more litigation because court room scenes might be the closest I get to acting in a long time.

Speaking of acting, I am having "Burst-In-To-Random-Musical-Sing-A-Thon" withdraws. Approximately .4% of the people up here know musical theatre and that generally includes the knowledge of RENT, Phantom and Cats. I'm dying here. Luckily I am going to see Wicked this month in Denver!

** Well, 3 days until it opens, I am not going til mid October**

On another happy note, I am super happy that Ryan has been by my side for this whole move, law school, life changing transition. It has made the whole process 100% easier. Our anniversary celebration was a blast and just reminded me of how lucky I am to have such an excellent boyfriend. He got me this wonderful gem:

**Magenta French Press! FTW!**

To sum up: I am feeling better about my decision to take out jillions of dollars to move to another state to put myself through the biggest mind fuck of a school trip I have ever been on. It's a challenge, but it isn't impossible!

1 comment:

  1. Finally an update!!!!

    I knew you'd make you way out there, and now instead of musical outbursts you'll have law outbursts! EXCITING!!!

    Well maybe not as cool, but we'll be showing up soon to supply some of the much needed musical therapy. :-)

    And of course, keep going, you've got this law school thing!
