Sunday, October 11, 2009

Failure to Concentrate

I feel feisty.

I have been getting myself caught up in political and religious discussion that will have no high end point. I feel as if I am discussing these matters with a puppy. I talk about reasoning, thoughts, facts, and attempt to have a heartfelt, intelligent conversation on the matter but when the opposite party responds I get the same "bark" over and over and over again.

Just "you're wrong" and "the truth is the only way".

I actually feel bad. It amazes me that people find it so difficult to discuss matters of this nature like responsible adults.

But, through all of this, I have gained further respect and understanding for those with strong faith in religion and are able to have intelligent conversations with the ability to understand other points of view. One of my best friends is a member of the Latter Day Saint (Mormon) faith and I am completely comfortable discussing the trials of religion through time with her. I invite her to understand my position and she does the same. There is a mutual respect for each other and I appreciate that so much.

Come to think of it, it is usually the Evangelical's that use their "Jesus Camp", close minded, naive arguments in order to prove their point. I wonder what percentage of atheists who randomly "see the light" when all they are being given is a reminder they will burn in hell.

I have also come to the conclusion on why so many people feel compelled to be saved by baby Jesus. It is the method of praying on the weak. Children, diseased, substance-abuse addicts etc. The vulnerable are who get captured in this nonsense. That makes it even more inconscionable. At least the LDS don't discriminate to whom they proselytize to.

To sum up, all of this debating is making it difficult for me to concentrate on what I need to be concentrating on. School, healthy, responsibilities. Law school is eating my soul and right now I am letting it.

For the next few days I will be focused, concentrate on what is necessary, and get ahead on my studies. Property midterm. Yuck,

On the brightside, I think I have reached a new level of excitement about this upcoming weekend. Look what I did to my planner on Friday during class.

*Excited much? Yes and yes*

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