Thursday, August 6, 2009


There is one thing I have learned and come to appreciate over the last week here. The ability and willingness for friends to sacrifice for one another.

I have been trying to see and hang out with everyone I know before I leave and it has been difficult to arrange my schedule in such a way that I can meet with several people a day. Granted I am squeezing in second lunch dates and drinks after dinner and practically spending 90% of my time in a restaurant ,but I also realize the I wont see these people for a long time. If that means spending an unfathomable amount of money on eating out this last week, so be it :)

Another example that made me super happy was April's schedule and how she squeezed in time for me and Amanda the last 2 days. She gets up at 5 am every morning, works all day, has 4-5 hours of rehearsal and then came out to karaoke on Tuesday night. Not only that, but she came out til 1:00am last night for Amanda's birthday. I am sure she will be living on coffee/energy drinks today, but I also appreciate her sacrificing a couple hours of sleep for our sake.

The same goes to Jess. If I remember correctly she hates the idea of downtown and "clubbing" more than a root canal without Novocain. And even though she worked at 8 this morning, she was in Sauce dancing her heart away.

This goes out to anyone and everyone that has rearranged their schedules, sleeping patterns, life in order to see me or Ryan during this last week. Just want to say I noticed, and I really appreciated it.

And to Amanda: HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!

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