Sunday, August 30, 2009

Colorado v. New Mexico

Here are a couple things I have noticed during my time in Colorado thus far. Sorry - I don't really have time for a full blown update, but I will soon.

New Mexico vs. Colorado

1. For every menu in New Mexico that has the word "Green Chile" the Coloradans have removed it and inserted either "BBQ sauce" or "Jalapeno"

2. While on the subject of green chile, if you can find it here, all of the supposed "hot" chile is something so insipid you could feed it to a infant.

3. For every Hispanic/Mexican person you see in New Mexico, there are about 3 Asians here. SO the Demographics of Boulder: 95% White and Rich, 4% Asian and Rich, 1% Black, Native American, Hispanic etc and NOT rich.

4. For every local micro brewery you see in New Mexico there are approximately 5 here. And they are all FREAKING DELICIOUS.

5. Boulder/Denver theatre scene = win win win

7. I think I have seen a total of 3 people who are considered "overweight" in Boulder. And it was one family walking outside of the only McDonalds in town. So as expected, I feel like someone you would see on Maury when it comes to weight.

8. There must have been a mandatory "Hotness Test" in order to be allowed to run on campus. This test was probably taken after the "Muscle Mass" test and the "Tan-o-Meter" test.

9. Coffee, Chai, Tea (iced and hot) are all 100% better in Colorado

10. To register your car in Boulder Country, you must get a VIN Verification number, a full emissions test, and pay the largest car registration fee ever. It also depends on your car size. For me it was $200 and my car is TINY

11. On the bright side, it was $16 to get my Driver's License.

12. Sales tax, cost of food, and cost of alcohol is way higher in Colorado.

13. EVERYONE has snow tires, and at least one bike/ski rack on their car. Most have two.

14. You can't buy liquor or wine in grocery stores in Colorado. The only thing you can get is 3.2 beer (sissy beer with alcohol taken out of it so it isn't so strong)

15. The mountains are to the west... not the east. This makes me confused on a daily basis.

Overall, I really like it here. I just wish I had more time explore/have fun. Law School is a beast.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


There is one thing I have learned and come to appreciate over the last week here. The ability and willingness for friends to sacrifice for one another.

I have been trying to see and hang out with everyone I know before I leave and it has been difficult to arrange my schedule in such a way that I can meet with several people a day. Granted I am squeezing in second lunch dates and drinks after dinner and practically spending 90% of my time in a restaurant ,but I also realize the I wont see these people for a long time. If that means spending an unfathomable amount of money on eating out this last week, so be it :)

Another example that made me super happy was April's schedule and how she squeezed in time for me and Amanda the last 2 days. She gets up at 5 am every morning, works all day, has 4-5 hours of rehearsal and then came out to karaoke on Tuesday night. Not only that, but she came out til 1:00am last night for Amanda's birthday. I am sure she will be living on coffee/energy drinks today, but I also appreciate her sacrificing a couple hours of sleep for our sake.

The same goes to Jess. If I remember correctly she hates the idea of downtown and "clubbing" more than a root canal without Novocain. And even though she worked at 8 this morning, she was in Sauce dancing her heart away.

This goes out to anyone and everyone that has rearranged their schedules, sleeping patterns, life in order to see me or Ryan during this last week. Just want to say I noticed, and I really appreciated it.

And to Amanda: HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

1 Week

One Week until I am driving up to Colorado to start the life of a Law School Student.

I am getting EXTREMELY excited about the move. I am feeling quite ready to get away from the various things in New Mexico that have been causing me stress recently.

Packing is starting to be an adventure where I can count down the days until I am headed up to the new exciting life that is waiting for me. I see a healthier, more responsible, more organized me that is just ready to burst out as soon as I pass the state line.

Of course, along with all the excitement lies the sadness for leaving the small part of New Mexico that I still appreciate. I will have to make some new friends, deal with the ridiculous amounts of snow, and get used to a "small town" environment again. Not to mention the fact that this will be the first time I will be away from my Mom.

I will miss all of my friends and the random shenanigans we would conjure up. Wine nights, park play dates, Latter Day Saint parodies like Orgazmo, forts, board games and so on and so forth.

The original Team Awesome crew are some of the best friends I could have ever asked for and even though we don't hang out in one large mass for 23 out of the 24 hours in a day, I still feel that connection and friendship.

Luckily with the power of email, facebook, snail mail and texting I will keep in touch the best that I can.