Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You You You

Nothing much has changed since the last time I blogged, so I was trying to spare you all from hearing the same BS.

Working at Pars still... and currently trying to find another job. Everyone there (except for maybe 2 or 3 people) are weird, and very boring to talk to. The owner is a micro-managing drama queen that throws a fit when the smallest thing goes wrong. Luckily I haven't felt that wrath yet, but I really don't want to be around long enough to see it.

3-Hour diet failed. I have no self control when it comes to food anymore.

Brain is still on wacko mode, but now for more reasons then initially mentioned. I constantly feel like I am pissing people off, or offending people.. specifically my closest friends. I hope that if I am doing something to anger them, they would tell me so I can stop.
Jess' cabaret is making me feel like a sp-ed kid. I feel like I am behind on learning my harmony and that I get a fail minus in solo.
Good thing I picked law school over musical theatre.
But I am having fun - the difficult music makes me have to work harder :)

Relay for Life 2007, Right after Midnight

Relay for Life is this Friday night. I have participated for the last 5 years and I am excited to be participating this year. Walk for the Cure! Pet Storm is April 23rd and Spring Storm is April 25th (bright and early). I miss doing as much community service as I did before I graduated... SO I am trying to get back in the good habit.

Spring Storm 2008, Helping with breakfast

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