Monday, March 23, 2009

Pars and Stuff

YAY - I am now officially working at Pars. We will see how it goes. I am excited to be making money again... and to be busier... I hope this job keeps me busy enough. If I don't have enough to do then I get super lazy and I hate it.

I think I am the only one who blogs regularly anymore. Well Michele does... but I look at everyone else's bloggy thinggy and I see no recent updates. Busy I assume.

This week I have:
Birthday Dinner with Ryan
Birthday Drinks and such with Beth and Aaron
Birthday Party on Friday night
4 shifts of Training for Pars
and the SUPER scary Audition for Full Monty on Saturday.... super duper scary. I need to talk to Jess about what on earth I should sing for that.

My brain is on wacko mode. And I can't really explain it without having too many people ask questions and/or ruining some things. Ugh. I should sort that out.

On the BRIGHT side - I have officially started the 3 hour diet today. Its what I did freshman year of college that worked SO well... so hopefully it will work again.

Okey dokey. END

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jobless... Blows

Ok, I have had "almost" jobs around 3 times now. Hopefully Pars works out. I thought I was supposed to take a menu test today, but when I called this morning the head hancho wasn't there. AND wasn't coming in today. So I don't know when I am supposed to be taking care of that nonsense.

I am bored out of my mind. I am sick of cleaning. I want to be working and making money. I swear as soon as I get this job thing all worked out, I plan on working 50 hours a week for 3 weeks straight. Ahhhh... that would be so nice.

I have really enjoyed hanging out with people more and having some free time on my hands, but its making it impossible for me to make a schedule. Creating a food, exercise and sleep schedule is practically impossible. I feel useless and lazy and like I am getting nothing done... ever.
It sounds weird, but it is easier for me to fit in exercise everyday as long as I have a bunch of other stuff to do.

Ugh... this is annoying, I am annoyed... this totally sucks my ass.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Guess it is my turn.

Recently I have been complaining to my friends for taking eons to update their blogs, and I haven't written much lately either. Tisk tisk.

I guess this will be an overview of the last hectic week of my life.

1) Greek Row Tragedy opened last night at the Rodey Theater. I am having so much fun with this show. Granted there are the few individuals that are proving to be bigger wastes of space then I initially thought, but I refuse to let it affect the time I have enjoyed working with Paul, and other members of the cast. It was great to see friends come see the show last night, but it was more than frustrating to recieve a "side pat" hug, an uninterested "good job" followed by a quick departure from some of them. It really is sad to see people "try" like that.

2) I quit my job at Hell-Hole Law Offices last Friday. I know I should have been more responsible with the situation and made sure I had a job before I quit, but I couldn't handle her rude, irresponsible, demeaning attitude any longer. That woman is the closest reincarnation of a demon that I have ever experienced. I would rather take out a loan, if need be, then endure the anxiety, stress and depressive nature that law office put on me. It is nice to be free. On the downside I don't have a new job yet. I have put in many applications and I have some interviews next week, but nothing official yet. I am getting bored out of my mind. I can't stand not having a job. How do people do it?

3) After nearly ruining CJ's adolecents, and two people tagging me as "The One Who Always Cusses" in those stupid little Facebook things, I have realized that it is time to clean up the potty mouth a bit. If I am being recognized as the person who cusses the most, that is bad news. I don't want to be that person, so I am going to try and use those words minimally. And if I hear the response of "But that's what makes you Dea" that is just going to make me want to work harder to avoid it. I don't want to be known as the person with the most inappropriate vocabulary.

4) If I have one more dream abot Starnes I am going to have to kill him. I have had 3 completely unrelated dreams about him in the past month. AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

5) Where do I get a personal trainer that isn't going to cost me 98475 dollars a month. Because I need to get my chunky ass in to gear and what ever motivations I had are slipping away. I REALLY want to go to a "Fat Camp". Mostly because there is a large focus on exercise and there is no "bad" things I could eat even if I wanted to. Or... there still is liposuction. Maybe I will win the lottery.

All of my posts are so disjointed and ramble on for hours... One day I will have a clear cohearant thought that I can type for you all :)