Monday, April 27, 2009

I dreamed this dream...

I had this dream last night... weirdest dream in the history of my life, and most of the people who read this were in it.

So, I am at my friend Hannah's baby shower and she doesn't look very happy with it. Her dad bought her a huge giant rock of a ring as a gift which seemed to cheer her up. We were playing baby shower games when I met some boy who was one of Hannah's distant cousins. He was super attractive so I was talking to him at the party. He suggested that we "go up to my place" instead of sticking around for the rest of the baby shower. I told him that I had a boyfriend and he said that he would be up for a threesome. So I said "ok" and off we went.

After the deed was done I left and met up with Jessica, Gilbert, Leonard, Nate, and AJ Rome (why? no clue) at a bar. We were drinking cosmopolitans and munching on nachos (it was pretty awesome, because Nate and Gilbert were 21!) when I got a call on my cellphone from that boy I met at the bridal shower. When I answered it though, it was his boyfriend. And he was pissed. He was involving the cops in an investigation because the boy was only 16 years old and he said that it was statutory rape.

I freaked out so we left the bar. Jessica and I were driving her bright red Jeep (*shrug*) and decided to run away. We bought this small apartment somewhere downtown New York. When we got there we realized it needed some fixing up so were were putting putty on the walls. Jessica realized she forgot her wallet at the store so she got mad and kicked a hole through the wall. I told her that the hole she kicked in the wall was a good idea because now we can have a fire place.

Gilbert showed up after he got off work (as a chip n' dale dancer I assume from what he was wearing) and brought us wine coolers and a fruit baskets as a welcome gift. Then he started crying because he was sad that Jessica was turning in to a lesbian to be with me. We tried to explain that we weren't lesbians but we were just roommates but he thought that if you lived together that you were dating.

After he stopped crying we left to go try and find Jessica's wallet but for some reason Jessica and I were holding hands. As friends.

Then I woke up.

I would like to submit that to a dream interpreter because its the weirdest dream ever.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You You You

Nothing much has changed since the last time I blogged, so I was trying to spare you all from hearing the same BS.

Working at Pars still... and currently trying to find another job. Everyone there (except for maybe 2 or 3 people) are weird, and very boring to talk to. The owner is a micro-managing drama queen that throws a fit when the smallest thing goes wrong. Luckily I haven't felt that wrath yet, but I really don't want to be around long enough to see it.

3-Hour diet failed. I have no self control when it comes to food anymore.

Brain is still on wacko mode, but now for more reasons then initially mentioned. I constantly feel like I am pissing people off, or offending people.. specifically my closest friends. I hope that if I am doing something to anger them, they would tell me so I can stop.
Jess' cabaret is making me feel like a sp-ed kid. I feel like I am behind on learning my harmony and that I get a fail minus in solo.
Good thing I picked law school over musical theatre.
But I am having fun - the difficult music makes me have to work harder :)

Relay for Life 2007, Right after Midnight

Relay for Life is this Friday night. I have participated for the last 5 years and I am excited to be participating this year. Walk for the Cure! Pet Storm is April 23rd and Spring Storm is April 25th (bright and early). I miss doing as much community service as I did before I graduated... SO I am trying to get back in the good habit.

Spring Storm 2008, Helping with breakfast