Friday, February 27, 2009

Title of Show Says It Best...

No, Heidi, I'm bummed we only have four more of these.
I like doing the show. It balances out my day job which is killing me softly.
I wrote this song sitting at my desk today...I'd like to sing it...for you now...

Can't you see that I'm dying inside?
Can't you see that I'm dying inside?
If you shined a flashlight in my butt you'd see
I'm dying inside

...true dat is.

But on the bright side... IT'S ALMOST WEEKEND!
Granted I have approximately a billion years of tech this weekend, BUT I also have some party-time to look forward to, a audition, and I am going to The Civil War tonight.

Joy joy joy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On Greek Row!

Final dress rehearsal for Greek Row Tragedy is in T-minus one week. We open a week from THURSDAY!

It is slightly unsettling because for all of the dance that is in this show, we haven't tried dancing any of it in costume. We are going to have vaginas, titties, and muffin tops everywhere. Not to mention we still haven't tried dancing in the shoes.

I guess they haven't come in yet.

Certain members of the cast are frustrating the bejesus out of me. Whiny, complain-y, annoying brats. Suck it up folks. We are all tired, we all don't feel good, we are all hungry and lazy and ready to go home. But we aren't going home.... so shut your pie holes.

I am pretty excited for the rehearsal process to end and the show to begin.

I am also excited about:
1) Job hunting
2) Ditching work for lunch tomorrow
3) 2pm today (Cus then I will be off work!)

Have a sexcellent day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not much to say but...

I just wanted to preach to the choir and show you this great picture I found.

I can't seem to wrap my head around the notion that a child being raised by two women or two men could do more harm then the child being raised in foster care or at an orphanage. This has nothing to do with religion, faith, God or any other unreasonable claim; it is about the child. And as long as the child hasn't been brainwashed like the kids from Jesus camp, I think any kid would prefer to be in a home with two parents that love and care for them, then grow up with 90 other kids or homeless.

I'm just sayin'....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Office Orchestra

The "music" that ripples through my brain while I sit at my desk could pluck the spines off a porcupine.

The fax machine slowly spits out paper after paper of boring information.
I can faintly hear the back printer printing up a storm, copy after copy of something that will most likely end up in recycling. That thing tears through reams of paper like it will get a prize for all its hard work.
The front printer beside me just wound itself up but didn't print anything. I wonder if that thing does it only for the attention.

I hear David talking in the distance about some useless sports team and the achievements over the past three years. The attorney he is talking to hasn't said much so I am assuming David is bothering the living shit out of him.

Steve likes to squeak his his chair slowly when he is reading. It reassembles nails on a chalk board .
It's almost as annoying as the sound of Nate's shoes.

Every 5-10 seconds I hear the annoying "ding" that signifies a new email has plopped into my inbox. Something that isn't for me to read, but for me to copy and distribute usually.

In other news, I just ate the best microwavable meal ever.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bad Week to Exciting Weekend!


What a craptastic week. I will give myself a paragraph to complain and then no mas.
Work sucked dick. The office manager continues to be frustrated with me and the legal assistants, expecting a miracle to happen and for us to be able to do 6 peoples work in the same amount of time when there is only 3. Also rehearsal is quite draining and I am completely exhausted this week. In order to make it though all this busy month ahead I need to remember to relax, get sleep, eat healthy and exercise. :)

Brightside of life, I have lost 3 lbs, not that much, but it is something. My lovely boyfriend is quite supportive. He is making me lots of healthy meals even though I would rather eat fatty fat stuff. And props to Leo for dragging my ass to the gym. I need to go in the morning more often because then I can't avoid it and I am not completely out of energy.

I am looking for a super-part time weekend job. Like lunches on Saturday and Sunday at some brunch spot. I am not having much luck because most places want you to be available during the week too.

YAY for weekend! I want to go on a bike ride this weekend, hopefully it will be warm-ish.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cus Jess said so.

Therefore I update. Jess decided it was time :)

For this update I think its important to do the 10 for 10. Cus that what I feel like.

10 Yeas:
1) Going to the gym after work. YAY. I have new music on my iPod and I am ready to run
2) Ain't Misbehavin' at Popejoy. I am really excited to see that show.
3) T-minus 1 hour and30 minutes until I am off work, and one day closer to weekend
4) I went to sushi for lunch by myself and really enjoyed it. The nice sushi dude even hooked it up with a lobster scallops roll, a bowl of miso soup and some oranges for dessert.
5) Tomorrow is Musical Theater!! And I will fix the catastrophe that I created for Broadway Rhythm
6) I have almost been 100% productive at work today. Very little messing around on the internet. Just a couple facebook posts and this here blog.
7) Ryan was so freaking cute this morning. It made me happy.
8) Foot feels slightly better. Which means maybe it will heal all by itself! YES
9) I decided Leo was going to teach me how to make my blog prettier - and that is quite a Yea
10) I watched the whole Superbowl (practically) yesterday. This is an amazing feat. I am proud of myself.
**Bonus Yea** I learned a new word thanks to my Urban Dictonary Day-by-Day Calendar.
Fire Hazard - A mand who is utterly in denial of his homosecuality (in the closet) despite the fact that he is clearly gay to the objective observer (flaming).
example: Hey, Mike, Jessica's fire hazard of a husband was checking out your ass again.

10 Boos:
1) Boo to Christina the office manager. She is giving me IMPOSSIBLE tasks and expecting them done by the end of the day. Has she lost it completely?
2) Boo to the cheating douche Stealers. I don't even care about football and I could tell they were tools.
3) Stupid Wednesday is the day I have to get my picture taken in a flipping swimsuit/lingerie combo for Greek Row. I am overjoyed.
4) Super Boo to friends that fail at being friends.
5) Now I am really full and would like to take a nap.
6) I am 99% sure that I will be getting minimal sleep tonight, which might make me a ragin biotch tomorrow.
7) Evil Boss hasn't left yet so I can't jam out to Pandora. Obvious Boo.
8) Boo to not being able to loose weight hella fast. I think I am going to get that Alli bullshit that makes you crap red oil or something weird like that.
9) I love cats, I really do. BUT we are babysitting Ryan's Dad's cat while he is in Mexico and that cat will not shut up. Then tries to play with your face all night. Ugh.
10) I need money... bad bad bad bad bad. I am tempted to take the insurence money I got for the douche hitting my car and use it for other crap.

There she blows. Yeas and Boos!

Now back to slavey labor.