Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wild Party!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I will be performing in a community theatre production of The Wild Party! I am so excited to be party of the theatre scene once again. I've missed theatre people, parties, rehearsals and performing (of course).

Being in a production is the perfect law school sabbatical.

In other news:

New work out/diet regimen is working well. Six pounds down and, ideally, twenty-nine to go!

Goodbye 1L, Hello 2L

Well I did it. I finished my first year of law school. I've learned a lot in the past ten months and, in a true "Dea" fashion, I've created a list of the important things.

1. Just because you are "smart" in undergrad doesn't mean you are "smart" in law school. This was rough. I was always in the very top of my class and that is certainly no longer the case. After the grades from last semester, I was ready to pack my stuff and head back to NM. My grades weren't horrible, but unexpected to say the least. Who knows how I did this semester. Frankly, I wish they wouldn't send grades out until we started school in August.

2. When you sit for 90% of the day, you will get fatter. Granted this seems like common sense, but man oh man did that creep up on me. I was a serious victim of "The Blaw School 15". I need to buy one of these for the rest of law school:

3. Climbing up rocks is unreasonably fun. Going out side to climb up some rocks should not be amusing in the slightest. This is what Neanderthals did in order to get to the other side of a mountain, or run for dear life. Why is this such an amusing hobby?

4. I am nothing with out my friends. This doesn't need an explanation. Just a blatant fact.

5. New Mexico isn't that bad. When I was there, most of NM seemed like a garbage dump in hell. After coming back for short visits, I realized that the culture, the food, and the people (most of them) makes New Mexico awesome. I am actually considering getting a Zia tattoo.

6. I have come to realize and accept some things about myself that simply won't change. I know this is vague, but it will make sense soon enough.